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Final Symposium

During the group presentation, Jazmin discusses the importance of understanding seeds.
During the group presentation, Jazmin discusses the importance of understanding seeds.
Nora explains embryogenesis.
Nora explains embryogenesis.
Dominic talks about egg development.
Dominic talks about egg development.
Allen considers future steps for plant and seed scholarship.
Allen considers future steps for plant and seed scholarship.
Dominic highlights T-DNA insertion in plant 3.
Dominic highlights T-DNA insertion in plant 3.
Will delves into how the gene he studied is expressed.
Will delves into how the gene he studied is expressed.
Wing compares the wild-type and mutant plants he studied.
Wing compares the wild-type and mutant plants he studied.
Harry employs humorous references to describe how his gene works.
Harry employs humorous references to describe how his gene works.
Dr. Goldberg quizzes Harry about the procdeures he followed in his experiments.
Dr. Goldberg quizzes Harry about the procdeures he followed in his experiments.
Dr. Goldberg congratulates the students on their hard work and accomplishments.
Dr. Goldberg congratulates the students on their hard work and accomplishments.
Dr. Goldberg presents a celebratory cake to his students.
Dr. Goldberg presents a celebratory cake to his students.
A thematically-appropriate cake to celebrate the close of HC70AL Summer 2014!
A thematically-appropriate cake to celebrate the close of HC70AL Summer 2014!